Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tales of a broken arm pt. 1.....

On Monday night my dear Noah was playing with his cousin and after many times of telling him *not* to jump off the couch, (now we all know that Noah has a mind of his own)he decided one last time to fly like super man.... and I think that this will be his last time! *fingers crossed* The ground did not think Noah was super at all .... After I heard that last YAY!! It slowly turned into a shriek of pain. I ran over to my baby boy to do my usual it'll be okay and kiss it, there he was laying on his back clutching his forearm ( I knew this time was different). I called for Nick (because I was too paranoid to look) to come and check out Noah's arm, we were a little unsure at first because he was still moving it, but Nick noticed a dip in his arm so we decdided it would be best to bring him in (Thank God we live 2 minutes away from a hospital)... Just a couple of miutes after all of the madness happened my Nicci and Bobby came to pick Jovani up and they said Jeremiah could stay with them while we get Noah checked (thank goodness! I wasn't up for going by myself)

We get Noah checked in they get him back into the room right away... Noah is not a fan of taking medicine orally (and it's really hard to confine a child with a hurt arm) He ended up having to get a shot kill his pain (believe it or not that was much easier than trying to give him medicine orally) ... The PA came in, he didn't think the arm was broken called him "fussy" but I knew there was something wrong Noah never acts like this, but he still ordered the xray to be safe... This is where the waiting comes in (everything was nice and rushed until now)...we waited...and waited...and waited for almost an hour and half to get his xray taken, and with a child who is in pain it's typically not the type of fun I like to Finally we got the ray (there was lots of screaming) and then I thought we would be waiting for a while after that, but then everything went fast again... the PA came out (because at this point we were back in the main lobby) and told us it was broken, and that he actually broke both bones in his forearm!! We went back again and Noah got upset again (the whole time he kept asking to go home and take a nap...Noah never asks to nap lol) this time we had his arm wrapped and I got to see xray and there were 2 broken bones... thank goodness we got the xray I guess that's why they call it practicing medicine...

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